Stephen Palmer – Heartspace & Vulnerability – The Evolved Power Tools

Stephen’s Free Gift:

Free Toolkit: Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Live Your Authentic Purpose

30-page guidebook, 40-minute audio training, 1-hour video training that help you:

  • Find and live your purpose with passion.
  • Conquer your greatest fears and overcome self-doubt forever.
  • Get unstuck and live with unstoppable clarity, courage, and confidence.
  • Cultivate inner peace through self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-care.

Click here.

About Stephen Palmer:

Stephen Palmer is a New York Times bestselling author and a life purpose coach. He helps people discover the difference they were meant to make, and make a living doing what they love.

He is the author of Manifest Destiny: Choosing a Life of Greatness. He co-authored the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Businessweek, and Amazon bestseller, Killing Sacred Cows: Overcoming the Financial Myths that are Destroying Your Prosperity with Garrett Gunderson. He also co-authored with Kris Krohn The Conscious Creator: Six Laws for Manifesting Your Masterpiece Life.

Stephen and his wife are raising their four children in southern Utah. When he’s not coaching or writing, you’ll find him reading, spending time with his family, or canyoneering in Zion National Park.

P.J. Dixon – 75 lb. Warrior for Love and the Most Important 18 Inches

P.J.’s Free Gift:

This is a 20-Min. Conversation DIRECTLY with P.J. — embrace this real opportunity to EXPLORE what’s in YOUR gap with someone who KNOWS HOW to Overcome Obstacles and Get What He Wants in Life! Allow him to Teach YOU to do the same, so You Become the Man You TRULY Want to Be and Get from Life What YOU Really Want! Click here.

About P.J. Dixon:

P.J. is a Lifelong Motivational Speaker and an International Life, Love, and Relationship Coach—who focuses on results!

He uses his life, and mindset, to both inspire and teach people (of all ages) to become the best version of themselves by guiding them through the most important journey they’ll ever take — the 18-inches from their head to their heart!

Doctors diagnosed a life expectancy of 7, but instead of quitting, he started speaking—and changing lives! P.J. often jokes he’s not much bigger now than he was then, and describes himself as a . . .

75-pound, wheelchair-bound, POWERHOUSE!

He is affectionately known as the “love guru,” and after spending any time with him, you’ll understand why—he lives his life with a single mission, “Love Deeply and Teach Others to Do the Same!”

This man is truly living an extraordinary life; sailing, outdoor skydiving, indoor skydiving, trapezing, ziplining, hiking, mountain climbing, snow skiing, water skiing, aqua jetpacking, and the list goes on!

He’s a former wheelchair athlete, international traveler, amateur watercolorist, founder of 2 non-profit organizations and 4 disabled sports programs, a published author, 10th degree black belt, martial arts and women’s self-defense instructor, and a meditation teacher.

Additionally P.J. has been inducted into the National Hall of Fame for People with Disabilities and was nominated to carry the Olympic Torch through Tucson in 2002.

P.J. doesn’t quit and believes, . . . neither should YOU!

John Elliott Taylor – Alpha Awakened – A New Masculine Paradigm

John’s Free Gift:

3 Steps To “HELL YES” in Work, Life, and Relationships: Become a Magnet to Women, Wisdom and Wealth When You Make Your Body, Emotions and Mind Work FOR You. Discover How to Access the Most Lucrative and Powerful Decision Every Time. Click here.

About John Elliott Taylor:

John Taylor is a Men’s Transformation Specialist. He helps men achieve peak performance and expand their impact in the world by helping them face the fears holding them back from their purpose… so they can lead fully actualized lives. On his days off John climbs mountains, kite-boards, and plays guitar.

John Joseph – Hardcore Evolution – From Darkness to Light

About John Joseph:

John Joseph truly has had an amazing journey through life. Being the son of an alcoholic welterweight prizefighter who battered his mother came with a price. That price was paid at the age of five when his father severely beat his mother for the last time and he and his two brothers were split up and put into orphanages. The years that followed for him were no less horrific as he and his two brothers were bounced around in some of the worst homes in the New York State Foster care system.

In January of 1977, at age 14, John hit the streets. Alone at a time when New York was one of the most violent cities in the nation, he was shot, stabbed and survived by being a heroin mule, angel dust dealer and a slew of other scams taught to him by his teachers at the University of the Streets. After numerous criminal incidents, John was arrested and sent to NYC’s infamous Spofford Juvenile Correctional Center in the Bronx and was subsequently moved upstate to serve 18 months of lock-up.

John formed the Cro-Mags in 1981 and has been touring ever since. He penned his memoir in 2007, “The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon” as a way to exercise the demons that haunted him.. The response has been overwhelming as John’s long time friend the late Adam Yauch (MCA -Beastie Boys) himself has said, “A lot of people talk about coming from the streets, when John says it the shit is real.”

As of late John’s memoir is in development for a feature film and his second book, “Meat is For Pussies” (a comedic guide to real health for men) was picked up by Harper Collins for summer 2014 release. John convinced thousands of people to give up meat and live healthier spiritual lives and he put his 33 years of experience in the vegetarian/athletic field in every chapter.

He still practices the Hare Krsna tenets daily, chanting and doing service for others, feeds the homeless, mentors at risk youth and inmates, tours the planet as the lead singer for the world famous Cro-Mags, just finished his third book on Positive Mindset, has competed in ten Ironman Triathlons and will continue to race in 2018! It seems for John Joseph, life truly has been an evolution.